The Sunday ended with
Gary Linaker trying to run me over in his tractor but let's back
track to the beginning of a working Sunday for me. Every Sunday I get
the 8.09am number 10 bus from my village into the city and then, if
I'm lucky, I jump on the 8.30am Indigo bus over to Beeston. Once in
Beeston I usually have forty minutes to spare before I need to clock
in and I spend that time over a leisurely coffee and almond croissant
at Caffè Nero.
Yesterday I was on
time, dressed and ready to nip out and catch my first bus. Then I
felt I needed to go to the loo. This took a few minutes. Then I
couldn't locate my key. The bus sailed majestically past my gate just
as I reached for the latch. Bugger. There wouldn't be another bus for
seventy minutes. I started to walk the four miles to work. I have
walked part of the way before so I knew that it would take me
approximately an hour to reach Wilford Road through a posh housing
estate. That's a kind of half way mark to getting to Nottingham on

En route, I cadged a
lift from a man loading his car. He took me two hundred yards to the
Wilford Industrial Estate where I used to work. I was aware of a
short cut across the back of some houses and walked down into the
industrial estate and to the back of the Serif Software unit. Alas,
the short cut was no more and I discovered it to be all barred off
with fences due to the tram works. Great! I turned back along the
route I had come and further on up a hill towards the Apple Tree pub
and through the housing estate. Via the duck pond and a dead duck
(not the name of a pub but an actual dead duck in the kerbside) I
trudged and finally arrived at a point of decision.

I was at a major
intersection and I had the choice of going left or right. I was aware
that going right towards Loughborough Road was actually further than
one gives the journey credit for. Turning left towards Clifton and
the A345 would bring me to a set of steps that would take me along a
tow path alongside the motorway heading towards Dunkirk and the
Queen’s Medical Centre. At that roundabout I could turn left
towards Beeston along University Boulevard and Beeston High Street.
The time was 8.53am. I turned left and decided to consider this
morning's journey on foot as a good idea for a blog post. I had my
camera with me and my dictaphone and made good use of both along the
way. It was kind of fun contemplating the idea of a comic story from
adverse conditions.

As I walked along the
tow path to the purring and be-bumping sounds of the cars on the
tarmac I shouted my notes into my dictaphone and photographed the
rain swollen river Trent. At least it wasn't raining on this walk.
Further along I could see the rooftops of Sat Bain's hidden
restaurant and a lone brooding horse in a very wet looking field.
As I came down the
slope in the direction of a big section of traffic islands, a scary
looking overpass appeared to my right. It hung there with black pools
of water on the waste land underneath. Was I now in some Stygian
version of the Austrian Tyrol? Amongst the detritus that lived in the
bare branch hedges and oily scrub-land was the shattered wheel trim
from someone's Audi. To complete the beauty of the scene; a used
condom lay limply on bunch of thistles with only a discarded beer
can for company.
Foot weary I slogged
past the old Central TV studios where I once worked as an extra in
Crossroads. More vehicular purrs, first distant, then closer and
louder, and less loud as each car passes. A runner with no hands jogs
past me in orange. It's 9.19am as I am approaching the multiplex
Showcase cinema, all squat and full of cinematic memories of films
seen and sticky feet from the damp sugary carpets.
Looking down as I
approach the area called Dunkirk I see two canal boats. One is called
Ginny and the houses look like they were built sometime in the 1930s.
There is an old painted sign above a house that still declares the
premises as a NEWSAGENT. Then comes the train line and more litter in
the trees and pathway. Bits of old wet newspaper, broken branches,
cigarette ends, weather worn green wood fences, half a sad and retired
umbrella dangling from a tree, an upside down Lucozade bottle
similarly dangling in bare thorny branches.
I get the, “Someone
in a tree!” lyrics 'ear worming' in my head from Sondheim's Pacific
Overtures all the way to the University Boulevard.
I was there then.
I am here still.
It's the fragment, not
the day.
It's the pebble, not
the stream.
It's the ripple, not
the sea.
Not the building but
the beam,
Not the garden but the
Not the treaty house,
Someone in a tree.'
I wait for a bus to
take me the rest of the journey but there isn't one for fifteen
minutes. I decide to carry on walking and cross the busy main road to
the entrance of the Nottingham University. I photograph some
colourful road works sign-age and check the skies for rain clouds.
Fortunately, there are none.
In the university park
and lake there are the antics of honking geese to enjoy hearing and
seeing, and the splash down of ducks landing on the park lake like
gentle Lufthansa jets caressing the runway at Munich Airport.
(Another story) Half way round the lake an old gent and his son are
trying out his remote control fishing boat on the lake and three
jogging middle aged Asian ladies say a collective “ Good morning!”
to me. I return their good nature.

The walk has now become
a hike and the grounds of the university park become a series of
steep steps through a pretty wooded area and open out into an expanse
of manicured lawns and paths to the main the road. A shallow sheen of
rain lays on the main road coming into Beeston. The cars hiss by like
annoyed geese. My legs are starting to ache and my back is damp from
sweating lightly in my jerkin and overcoat. I have been walking in my
steel toe capped work boots for two hours. The High Street is busier
than I ever see it on my normal Sunday morning.
The bee man statue is
sporting a blue and white woollen hat. I am tempted to go into Caff
Nero for my usual breakfast but press on. I am nearly an hour late
for work.
The Tesco store hasn't
fallen down in my absence and my colleague Paul has taken the covers
off the meat counter for me. I crack on and the day goes by very
quickly as I flit from the meat counter to the fish counter to serve
customers with sea bass. They are half price at the moment and I have
become very adept at trimming the sharp fins off, de-scaling them,
gutting and washing them and bagging them up. Occasionally we have to
fillet the bleeders too. All for two quid a fish. My team leader
Rebecca came in to help today so that helped enormously with the work
load and we had a good laugh. I don't think she believed I had
actually walked all the way from Ruddington to Beeston.
After my shift I was
walking through the stores behind the counters and Gary Linaker tried
to run me over with his tractor!
Well, actually I set
this silly photo up. I had previously seen the cardboard tractor in
the back and the image popped into my head so, being as creative daft
as I am, I took my camera in to work and took the photo on a self
timer for fun.
I got my usual two
buses home. No way was I walking another four miles. I stopped for a
beer on the way home and some Walkers crisps.