Many of you may have noticed a text and visual link to my humorous book The Total Joy of Travelling On Public Transport at the end of our review pages. Like below:
Do you travel by public transport and come across annoying fellow travellers? Then check out Phil Lowe's hilarious new book! below. Recommended age 16+

This book was published in December 2019 and has been progressively gaining in popularity with sales increasing every month. I am delighted to say that, so far, it has gained ten five star reviews. Here I what my readers/reviewers have to say about it.

Rachael Young

Witty, humorous and totally relatable.
I purchased this book on a whim and I am extremely glad that I did! The author's wit and constant humour shines throughout, as well as their total understanding for the pain that is (or can be) public transport. The book is a small read, but just the right length if you are after a bit of light-hearted fun. A thorough joy to read!
Kevin Morecroft

Funny book with buckets of charm
This book is a delight! The author colours a mundane subject with charm, wit and humour. I can’t wait for the follow up!
Liam Bucknell

Fascinating read and very funny
Natalia Wieczorek

Laugh out loud journey
I wouldn't normally pick up this type of book, but just fancied something amusing to read. I personally hate public transport, so thought I'd give it a go. I was not disappointed. Beautifully observed, anyone who travels on public transport will recognise these characters! From stroppy teenagers, to fractious children, drunks and people who squash you to death in your seat - all human life is here. If you are from Nottingham, even better, as most of the book is based there. Phil's observations and ability to make sense out of the absurd is very clever, and he has a real talent for description. I'm actually there, on the bus with him, wiping at the steamed up window and listening to such bizarre comments as: “White dog poo? Haven’t seen any in years. I wonder if it is to do with Brexit?”
If you fancy a lovely, light-heated book to pick up and read - maybe on your own bus journey - this is for you.
Steve Toplek

Very amusing book. Very easy to read in snippets whilst travelling
A very amusing collection of anecdotes about the people Phil has encountered on our wonderful public transport system, from the bizarre to the downright obnoxious, some of who may be yet encountered, some who may be only too familiar A very easy read that will help break the monotony of any journey, or maybe just fill an idle moment or two. Very enjoyable.

This is a must-have book for anyone who has ever travelled on public transport
A laugh aloud and sad but, a true and honest observation of our fellow commuters. Phil, a commuter of many years has compiled these hilarious pictures in words, of the 100’s of different individuals we share our mode of travel with on our daily trials and tribulations on public transport. You will be surprised, disgusted, happy and pleased at the behaviour of some of his fellow travellers, I most certainly was!

This was a very amusing book and I recognise many of the character traits in people - maybe even some of them in myself! I highly recommend this book as a quick read.
Jo McLeish

Anyone who has the 'pleasure' of public transport, needs to pick this book up! Witty, and cleverly observed, Phil Lowe takes us on a journey, literally a journey! Trains, trams, buses.... the foibles and idiosyncrasies of the human-being laid bare, as Phil takes up his back seat on the bus and takes stocks of the British public. Read it on the bus, read it on the loo, but read it you must.
Shane Ginty

Joy indeed
Having travelled on public transport for many years I couldn't resist this book. To my delight all the different characters I have encountered inhabit these pages. Buy this book and you will recognise many of these people yourself. A great book to have a chuckle to. While travelling on public transport of course.
Copies can be ordered through this AMAZON TOTAL JOY LINK. Order your great value copy today. Support a local independent writer and have a good chuckle. Please share.
Thank you. Phil Lowe