
Thursday, 19 September 2019

Latest news. So long Tesco and thanks for all the fish.

Gosh, Christmas 2017! Is it really that long since I published anything on my food blog? Well yes, it must be and since then much has changed. I am still as passionate about food, if not more so, it is just that my theatre reviewing and promoting website has taken over 200% in terms of the spare time I can/could dedicate to blogging in general. Whilst I was working at Tesco on the meat and fish counters my time was limited but then a chance to move on came with my counters' redundancy in May 2019. Disillusioned with the shallow customer base of supermarket trading (two salmon fillets please ad bloody infinitum) I have centred my time and talents for humour on writing a book called The Total Joy of Travelling On Public Transport and developing my East Midlands Theatre Wordpress website. One thing for sure is that I will never have to spend valuable time and energy preparing half price whole blinking salmon for greedy Tesco customers at Christmas and Easter ever again! Thank the Lord!

I promise that I will do my best to continue to keep all my loyal food blog readers up to date with the foodie events in my life ongoing. It may not be day to day cooking blogs but I hope whatever I write will continue to amuse and enlighten. Thanks very much for your support. Phil Lowe.