Just made a simple breakfast of shop bought croissants, Bonne Maman blackcurrant conserve and a steaming cup of Carte Noire coffee. To me this is a bit of a 'starting work later today' treat. What do you enjoy for breakfast when you have time to spare?
Carte Noire – un café nommê désir. |
eat me!
Crispy bacon sandwich on massive baps oozing with brown sauce.
Mmm yes please! Wish I had the energy to do something special for breakfast but most of the time it's my usual Oatabix and orange juice. Very occasional at the weekend I may cook me and Mr M a treat - I seem to recall Portabello mushrooms with goats cheese one particular Sunday!
I like proper, thivk cut, dry cured bacon, two fried free range eggs, bread and butter and a nice strong brew. No sauce, nothing on the side - just as it is.
Toasted crumpets with butter and home-made damson jam, real coffee made in my filter machine and orange & passionfruit juice.
I love a toasted bagel with Philly Light and sandwich spread - strong cup of tea and either a grapefruit or an orange.
I always have a bowl of cornflakes every morning. Usually a mixture of whatever's in the cupboard.
Eggs Benedict, fresh orange juice, black coffee and a cat sat on my knee. And maybe some Chet Baker on the hi-fi.That'll do me Phil.
I usually have a bowl of Jordan's Organic Muesli( I just like the blend of nuts & grains in it, not because it's organic) & lots of ice cold skimmed milk or occasionally 2 slices of brown toast & homemade marmalade. But I am naughty & often miss breakfast if I don't feel hungry when I get up.
I really wish I could have bacon sandwich every day at breakfast but we know it's bad ok. So it's also muesli for me. I put together a sliced banana, half apple cut in small triangles, raisins, uncooked oats, cashew nuts, and honey in my favorite bowl. I can't put milk as I am Asian lactose intolerant. Then I watch morning news.
Hi Phil!
My usual 'breakfast' is a mug of strong black unsweetened coffee and a cigarette. Yeah, I know, it's about as bad as it could be.
When time permits, my favourite would two very fresh eggs lightly poached, on toast made from one of Mrs QO's sourdough loaves, and some proper back bacon on the side.
Followed by a mug of strong black unsweeted coffee and a cigarette. Sorry...
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