
Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Synchronicity of the Milkshake

I was in Birds the Confectioners today in Bramcote and whilst waiting for my coffee I got thinking about an event that happened to me as a young boy. The confectioner's cafe was busy and every table was taken including one with a young family opposite. One of the children on that table had just been given a banana milkshake and seeing this stirred my memory.

As a ten-year old I had been to the dentist to have my first ever filling done and one side of my face was still frozen as we sat down in the Kardoma cafe in Derby. My step-mum had ordered me a milkshake as a treat for being brave at the dentist and I eagerly pushed the straw into the non frozen side of my mouth and sucked. Back at Birds the boy opposite me did the same.

Imagine my suprise as the ten-year old me found the milkshake pouring out of my mouth and down my shirt, the frozen muscles unable to control it. Just as I'm smiling at this memory the present day boy opposite me does the same! His Mum leaned over and said "Oh dear, it'll soon get the feeling back." She then called the waitress and asked for a cloth to clear up the mess- explaining to that her son had been to the dentist.

How wierd was that?


Marian Barker said...

Déjà vu?

Milk shakes remind me of my teenage years - Saturday mornings in a subterranean coffee shop close to Carlisle Castle. I used to take my youngest brother and we had milkshakes and kunzle cakes. Thanks for stirring that memory!

Phil Lowe said...

That's cool Marian, what are kunzle cakes please?

Janette said...

I use to go in that branch of Birds all the time, when I worked at the Halifax. I can remember having to ask for 'roll' because they were posh in Wollaton!

Marian Barker said...

Kunzle cakes were a bit like fondant fancies and came in three colours pink, yellow and brown. Not to be confused with Kunzle Showboats which were a bit sickly!

Athina said...

This must be a universal phenomenon - mum givng kids a treat after being brave at the dentists. I used to do that with me kids, too but I buy them ice cream instead so milkshake. They like remembering that and they call me a cool mum.

It's The Gardening Lady said...

I haven't heard of kunzle cakes for years! I can only remember them being at the cafe at Hunmanby Gap in Filey Bay. Now long since washed into the sea...

Doug said...

More about Kunzle cakes...

Many people are nostalgic about them and there is a movement of sorts to bring them back.

Doug said...

Apparently Kunzle Cakes were different from Showboats.